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  • » Votive for church-candles

Votive for church-candles

Light a votive church-candle means wanting to extend our prayer, it means wanting to leave a sign of their devotion that lasts a bit more than a simple candle.

Where the devotion of the faithful is so great, it is also high the desire to prolong their ideal presence in prayer in front of the image of the Saint, the Virgin Mary or Christ.

Being able to light a church-candle or votive large church candle means having the assurance that their light will stay on for a very long time.

Available in the variants:

  • Mod. 501, Electric gestural with armoured safe
  • Mod. 510 Electronic – automatic switching on and off, with armoured safe
  • Mod. 505, with switches and armoured safe

Availability of church-candles both white or red

Power supply 220V

Transformer 12V

Power Consumption 0,03 Cent €/ 24h

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