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Electric gestural church-candles holders

The electric church-candles holder of the "Votivo Sacred furnishing", reproduce gestures required for the functioning of the traditional church-candles.

In fact it is necessary for the faithful who intend to turn on the votive church-candle, take this from the compartment located under the console and plug it into one of the gold supports.

The fact of having to fulfill these gestures, makes the act of lighting more true and emotionally intense than is the simple insertion of the coin in the offering box or move a lever switch.

In a sense, the use of gestural church-candles holders, preserves the emotions connected to the act to light a candle.

In a sense, the use of gestural church-candles holders, preserves the emotions connected to the act to light a candle.
  • Electric gestural church-candles holders (ART. 33\CE)
    Model 501 - 33 light points
    ART. 33\CE – Electric gestural church-candles holder Gravelights holder with 33 lights complete of red and white church-candles and with replacement bulbs. With armoured safe weight kg 70 h 102x80x48.
  • Electric gestural church-candles holders (ART. 60\CE)
    Model 501 – 60 light points
    ART. 60\CE - Electric gestural church-candles holder Gravelights holder with 60 lights complete of red and white church-candles, replacement bulbs and armoured safe.
  • Electric gestural church-candles holders (Art. 21/CE)
    Model 501 – 21 light points
    Art. 21/CE – Electric gestural church-candles holder Gravelights holder with 21 lights complete of red and white church-candles and with replacement bulbs. With armoured safe. Ideal for small chapels or to be placed in small spaces.
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