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Electronic church-candles holders with on and off automatic

The Electronic church-candles holders produced by Votivo Sacred Furnishing bear their operation to a microprocessor included in the candlestick.

The insertion of the coin in the offering box turns on one of the church-candles places on the console which remains activated for the time programmed in the installation phase, variable between one and three hours.

Lighting occurs even when is inserted paper money in the box.

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    Model 510 - 21 light points
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  • Electronic votive church-candles holder (Art. 33CE/EL)
    Modello 510 - 33 light points
    Art. 33CE-EL Electronic church-candles with 33 light points complete of red and white church-candles and with replacement bulbs. With armoured safe. Automatic on and off programmable from 1 to 3 hours.
  • Electronic votive church-candles holder (Art. 60CE/EL)
    Modello 510 - 60 light points
    Electronic church-candles with 60 light points complete of red and white church-candles and with replacement bulbs. With armoured safe.
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