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Stop to the thefts

Offering boxes armoured and anti-theft

Stop to the thefts

Thefts in churches are becoming more frequent, and the easiest things to steal are the money offered by the faithful, that it do not need to be recycled.

The offerings theft is a odious act, which always leaves amazed and overwhelmed. It's a challenge to God Himself, made by men who have no fear nor awe nor religious, against God's wrath.

So the offering boxes and the votive candleholders with small boxes for the offerings become the object of attention of many sacrilegious rogues, willing to do anything to grab some coins. It is true that the money offered by the faithful belong to the saint who has that it wants. But it is equally true that an anti-theft security system can help you to control them better.

This is why we put in all our candlesticks and offering boxes anti-theft system with rack and armoured safe, highly effective and can be a deterrent against possible sacrilegious actions, as well as an immediate defense against theft

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