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The symbolism of the light or the flame


The tradition of turning on a candle to devote himself to God or to a saint is rooted in the Christian tradition and bases its strength on ancient symbols and layered meanings

The Christian tradition of turning on a light in front of the image of Christ or a Saint has the meaning of ideally extend our presence and our prayers.

The offer of a lamp, a candle, is part of the ritual. It means to give something precious and give up to a part of our assets, in exchange for attention.

It is always expected a supply of money in order to light a candle, and this in accordance with a tradition that has always required to offer something to God in exchange for his intercession.

The lighting of the candle has always been linked to the cult of the dead and the worship of saints.

Perpetual Light is a true myth, narrated by travelers who were in distant lands, and that reported news of the graves in which glowed perpetually votive lamps.

However was the electric light to make possible the widespread use of perpetual light. Before the advent of electricity, the costs necessary to maintain an ever-burning lamp were too high so that not everyone could afford to support them.

So even in the churches, where the light has an important place in ritual, they were only the rich people could afford to turn perennial lights.

Ordinary people were allowed to light a wax candle, the cost of which was nevertheless considerable.

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