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Artistic Candle-holder (Art. FB/21)

Model 507 - 21 light points

Artistic Candle-holder (Art. FB/21)
The votive candle-holder, model 507 is characterized by a wrought iron pedestal with ornamental spirals.

Made of hammered sheet, compared to the model 502 it features a greater lightness and harmony. It results in less impact in ancient and monumental contexts, as they are often the churches and chapels where the votive candleholders are placed.

Maintains the mode of use gestural. This involves, on the part of the faithful, to take traditionally necessary gestures to accomplish the votive act. I.e. take the candle by the compartment under the chandelier and place it in the holder.

Also the artistic votive candleholder is provided with a armoured safe anti-theft. In this case the opening of the cassette is in the rear part of the candlestick.

Votive Candle-holder technical sheet:
Weight: 50 kg
Height: 100 cm
Depth: 65 cm
Console Width: 27 cm

Price: € 800,00 + VAT

Transport: Free
Warranty: 6 years
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